Programme for affiliates and influencers

BACKLAxx speaks from experience and not from theory.

The founders themselves have suffered from back pain for years and have tried many things and come to the realisation that conventional medicine is not able to treat this mass of patients adequately and sustainably. Especially not for patients with health insurance. Therefore, almost everyone who suffers from back pain must become active themselves in order to remain pain-free in the long term.

BACKLAxx has positioned itself in a market niche that is almost unique. This offers a high growth potential and also promises long-term success. We are a company with a clear vision and speak from experience.

Our aim is to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction and therefore our top priority is to help the customer and support him in solving his problems in the best possible way. This includes outstanding customer service and high quality products. We attach great importance to sustainable product manufacturing and focus on the processing of natural materials.

This means you can promote our products with a clear conscience.

Why is BACKLAxx lucrative as a partner?

Your advantages of our affiliate programme:

  • Attractive commissions - 6% - 10% (depending on whether you are a voucher or content publisher),
  • We provide attractive image and video material,
  • High shopping cart - Our average shopping cart is 90,00 EUR gross,
  • Optimised for mobile devices - the majority of purchases are already made on mobile devices,
  • Low return rate - we achieve a very low return rate through good product images, comprehensive descriptions and customer-oriented support,
  • High-quality advertising media - advertising media for different customer groups,
  • Perfect support for our affiliates - prompt and individual support from our affiliate team.

Suitable topics

At the beginning of the diagnosis, the patient's medical history (anamnesis) is taken. Depending on the complaints mentioned, a physical examination follows.

The following subject areas suit us:

Zu einem gesundem Leben gehören Bewegung, Ernährung und Entspannung.

Our products are specially designed to relieve back pain. The focus is on muscular tension, tense fasciae and stress.

Qigong umfasst: Atemübungen, Körper- und Bewegungsübungen, Konzentrationsübungen und Meditationsübungen.

Our products are also very interesting for athletes. They promote regeneration and prevent overloading of the muscles.

Am besten wendet man die die PME im Liegen an mit den Handflächen nach oben, den Füßen hüftbreit und die Zehen natürlich leicht nach außen gedreht.

To eliminate one of the main causes of back pain, stress, many of our products aim to reduce it. Relaxation is often the focus of our products.

Die Umwelt liegt uns sehr am Herzen. Wir möchten zu einer positiven CO2-Bilanz beitragen und unterstützen bei Aufforstungsprojekten auf der ganzen Welt.

In addition to the fact that we try to manufacture the products from renewable raw materials as much as possible, we also support Plastic free planet - the honu movement. An organisation that has dedicated itself to freeing the world's oceans from plastic.

Are you successful in social media?

We are always looking for collaborations with high-quality influencers or YouTubers (at least 5k followers) who have a clean feed and thematically fit our target group. Depending on the reach, we offer a free mat or compensation.

How do I become a partner?

Are you interested? Then contact the agency KUPONA GmbH:

There you can reach our affiliate team. They will give you detailed information about our affiliate programme and check your application.

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