You can expect a Yin Yoga flow, a Vinyasa flow and asanas to improve your flexibility. All from the Yogaloft Süd in Stuttgart with Adriana.
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Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
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You can expect a Yin Yoga flow, a Vinyasa flow and asanas to improve your flexibility. All from the Yogaloft Süd in Stuttgart with Adriana.
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
Yin is derived from the Chinese term and stands for femininity, calmness and gentleness. This describes this yoga practice very accurately. The asanas are taken without muscle tension. The focus is on gentle stretching and deep relaxation. Most of the exercises take place in a sitting or lying position.
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
Best Yoga Pilates Mix Workout for Weight loss | Quick Workout Routine to burn calories
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
Tension in your backarea can lead to backpain. This yogaflows will release your tension und improves your posture.
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
Train your legs, glutes with this yogaflow plus moon salutaion!
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
The kickstart for your day! Enjoy energetic yogaflow from Adriana.
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
This exercise routine helps you to warm up and mobilise hip join.
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
Vinyasa Yoga or also called Ashanta Yoga is the athletic version of Hatha Yoga and has been strongly influenced by Western students. Posture in particular, but also breathing, are relevant in the practice. For some, this type of yoga is also known as power yoga and is more suitable for advanced students.
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
Stress Relief Calm & Peaceful Vinyasa Yoga Flow | Let Go & Feel Better
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
This exercise creates a stretch in the arms and shoulders.
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
Gomukhasana stretches the ankles, hips, thighs, abductors, chest and shoulder muscles, latissimus and triceps and is a complex asana with much to discover.
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
The pigeon is the yoga exercise that best and most effectively opens your hips. It works both your thigh and your psoas muscle, which runs laterally across your upper thigh and lower back, connecting your torso and legs.
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
With this exercise you stretch the back of the leg.
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
Natarajasana is an advanced balance pose that brings grace, peace of mind and clarity. The pose is additionally a deep backbend that requires great strength throughout the front line of the body. The front line of the body extends from the quadriceps through the hips, abs, chest and even the front of the throat.
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
Pashchimottanasana, or seated forward bend, is considered a fountain of youth. The asana can also strengthen the immune system. You can therefore use the exercise to stimulate the immune system when colds threaten. The back of the body is stretched upwards.
Besitzer Faszienrolle/Owner fascia roller
Dhanurasana, German Bogen, is a classical yoga exercise and part of the Rishikesh series. The Sanskrit name is formed from the words dhanus "bow" and āsana "seat" or more generally translated "posture". The physical image is reminiscent of a taut bow.
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